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Psychometric Assessment Clinics @ Kidspace

At Northshore Kidspace, we have a variety of specialist assessment clinics to suit your families needs.  Please click below to review what assessment clinic is right for your child's needs

ADD/ADHD Assessment Clinic
IQ & Education Assessment Clinic
Autism Spectrum Assessment Clinic
Internet Addiction 
Clinic @ Kidspace

What assessment tools are used?


 We utilise a range of standardised measures including:

  • Intellectual Assessment: An intellectual assessment can help us determine a child’s level of intellectual ability or learning potential. It can provide us with an estimate of a child’s overall intellectual functioning, as well as his or her ability in specific cognitive areas such as working memory and processing speed.

  • Academic Assessment: An academic assessment can help us determine a child’s performance in areas of reading, spelling, written expression, and mathematics. We often compare a child’s intellectual assessment and academic assessment results to determine whether he or she is performing to his or her potential. For instance, if a child’s intellectual ability is found to be average, we would then expect his or her academic achievement to also be average.

  • Behavioural Assessment: The behaviour assessment is completed online by a child’s parent/caregiver and teacher in order to index inattention and/or hyperactivity/ impulsivity, as well as other common co-occurring difficulties such as learning difficulties, executive functioning weakness, oppositional/ defiant behaviour, aggressive behaviour, and peer difficulties.

  • Supplementary Measures: We sometimes advise further investigation of other presenting difficulties including anxiety and depression if clinically indicated. These measures are typically completed online by the child and his or her parent/ caregiver.


Prior to administering the measures described above, we typically conduct a detailed clinical interview parents, examine previous school reports, and consult with schools and relevant other stakeholders were appropriate.



What is involved in the psychometric testing process?

 Psychometric testing is generally divided into several individual sessions to avoid fatigue and therefore gain a meaningful index of your child’s abilities. A typical assessment structure is presented below:































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Feedback session: discussion of assessment results, interpretations and recommendations - Parent & Child 1 hour

*to be completed online by parent/ caregiver and teacher


What is the cost?

As the assessment process varies from child to child, please contact us to find out an approximate cost.


Other FAQs

 How will my child benefit from a psychometric assessment?

A psychometric assessment can help provide a clearer picture of your child’s profile of strengths and weaknesses. At the time of the feedback session, we provide you with a comprehensive report detailing the findings of the assessment, as well as our clinical interpretations and recommendations. The report can be provided to your child’s school (and other relevant stakeholders) in order to assist with educational planning (e.g., creating Individualised Education Plans (IEPs), making accommodations within the classroom, accessing special provisions during exams etc.) and general treatment planning (e.g. intensive reading program, psychological intervention, occupational therapy, speech therapy etc.) Psychometric assessments can also be used to measure treatment progress.


Why do I need to attend an initial consultation?

It is imperative that you attend the initial consultation so that the assessing clinician is able to gain a comprehensive understanding of your child’s relevant history (e.g. developmental, educational etc.). This helps ensure that interpretations of the assessment are reliable, and recommendations are appropriate and individually tailored. Additionally, at Kidspace, we are dedicated to best practice, which involves basing clinical interpretations on multiple sources of information (rather than just the findings of psychometric testing).


How does the quality of Kidspace’s assessments compare to other clinics?

 Some clinics do not offer an initial assessment prior to psychometric testing. We believe that the initial assessment is imperative to selecting the appropriate set of assessment tools, as well as providing you with meaningful interpretations and helpful recommendations that suit your child’s individual needs. Some clinics also have intern psychologists that carry out psychometric assessments at a reduced fee. Our assessments are conducted by fully registered psychologists who have completed a masters or doctoral degree in clinical psychology to ensure a high quality service to you. Further, some clinics do not offer a feedback session following dissemination of the report. We have included a feedback session in our assessment structure to ensure that parents are guided through the results and interpretations of the report and are given the opportunity to ask any questions or raise any concerns they may have.


I also have other concerns about my child?

If you have other concerns about your child, we can also offer assessments for other issues, such as:

  • Intellectual delay

  • Learning difficulties

  • Inattention

  • Hyperactivity/ impulsivity

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